Paper with writing on it
Wednesday, August 26, 2020
British Airways Supply Chain free essay sample
Activities and Supply Chain Management ESMT Case Study British Airways: A Journey in Procurement Transformation Q1 In the case what are the difficulties looked by the acquirement bunch in coming 2 years ahead? There are a few difficulties the acquisition bunch looked somewhere in the range of 2004 and 2006. Above all else, staying aware of the accomplishment of the previous years, particularly the expense and execution enhancements and furthermore keeping speculators glad (consistent increment of offer cost since the start of 2003).Secondly, the obtainment bunch was to confront difficulties while justifying the quantity of providers, building cross business adjustment to build up a uniform sourcing process, lessen spending and utilizing it. The turn out of extra devices of Ariba’s spend the executives arrangement, which should cover all spend classifications was another test. Since it in the first place just comprised of a little gathering of providers stretched out over the coming month, which may prompt troubles when attempting to build congruity with favored providers. Those will be diminished to 2000, which will make it simpler to oversee them and furthermore to create legitimate sourcing procedures. Anyway incorporating the diverse Ariba framework devices spoke to another test, and was essential to ensure that requests depend on the equivalent concurred terms. Besides the obtainment bunch intended to modify lists. The difficulties it looked here were to make requesting less difficult, bolster exchanges with favored providers, decline receipt befuddles, accelerate endorsements and advance demand accuracy.In expansion to this another future test was to rollout to abroad tasks and auxiliaries. This would mean another decrease in worker headcount in different divisions and could lead again to protection from change among representatives. Hence change the board would be a fundamental device to handle this test, while the specialized piece of the turn out ought not be an issue. Q2 What were the arrangements proposed and how could they address the issues confronted? Arrangements proposed were to adjust to a conventional sourcing process.Initially it comprised of five tollgates. Later it was diminished to three tollgates, in view of substantial outstanding burden looked by the people in control (External Spend Group) during the survey procedure, which would have undermined the elevated level of productivity. It upheld a progressively organized, straightforward and capable work process, buying procedure and cost controlling. It tended to the up to that point liberal administration of purchasers, who now and then could approved spending up to ? 1 million without endorsement by ma nagers. Adjusting to another sourcing procedure additionally intended to rebuild BA’s hierarchical buying process. So as to do as such, extra programming for value-based buying of administrations and items was presented. Up to that point this procedure occurred through asset concentrated strategies. At the time the required programming was still going to create and it required some investment to locate the correct one. This new programming from (Ariba Buyer) should fill the hole of proficiently (time and cost) buying in the acquisition procedure, which existed in this area.It ran on an outer Internet stage, which empowered BA to set up working arrangements all the more rapidly. With its capacity to join a few administration abilities and to halfway deal with the parts of the obtainment procedure the framework tended to the issues starting through the prior referenced hole. Another issue looked by BA during the execution of the obtainment change program was the protection from this new procedure and to utilization of the product in all areas.It was a consistent issue since the quest for acquirement process programming and simultaneously progressing work cuts of the â€Å"Future Size and Shape†activity in the year 2000. After three years BA began to handle the issue by demonstrating the upsides of Ariba Buyer, offering support (e. g. call community for purchasers) and preparing (â€Å"Learning Programme†). An effective device turned into the â€Å"Z-card†. It was a little enough card to be hauled around all over and clarified in pictures and straightforward language the means of the new procedure and technique. It likewise clarified how this new advancement fit with the â€Å"Future Size and Shape†activity. Q3 What signs are there that the progressions worked? 1999-2004 In 2003, a quick increment of vital acquirement forms indicated that the usage of the five tollgates had worked. Additionally the help administrations for purchasers like the get focus ended up being a triumph with more than 100 calls for each day. The adjustment in obtainment methodology and procedure had additionally a positive effect on the reality. Obtainment reserve funds had consistently expanded since the beginning of the change in 1999.In 2001/2002 the new advancement lead to investment funds of about ? 50 million. Only three years after the fact in 2004/2005 it had expanded by multiple times to ? 200 million of investment funds. With such an advancement the expense for Ariba Buyer was returned in only five months. Another sign that the progressions worked demonstrated quick increment of requests trough the Ariba Buyer framework in the second 50% of 2003. A few extra advantages demonstrated that the progressions had worked. For example, increasingly straightforward spending, which shows an ascent in orders prepared by means of Ariba Buyer.This likewise decreased the measure of providers utilized up to that point by 63% in 2003. Another expansion was recorded in contract consistence, where favored providers began to turn out to be a piece of the day by day business, not simply lessening off agreement spending and bringing about lower costs for products and ventures bought, yet additionally diminishing regulatory endeavors through less agreements. With better data on buying spend, it was conceivable to dissect which sum was spend for which provider and item. This empowered the acquirement gathering to begin utilizing buying power and along these lines spare expenses in various territories like in-flight providing food in the US (15%), ground fuel at the London air terminals (22%) and group convenience in the US (17%). Additionally inside preparing costs have been diminished, with a positive effect on mistake rates, exchange cost (diminished by 48%) and request handling time, with the vast majority of the requests being executed electronically. This gives workers more opportunity to focus on esteem include exercises, prompting higher representative efficiency. Since the work process had been enhanced less workforce was needed.Therefore BA had the option to diminish headcount utilized particularly in acquisition and safe extra expenses. Q4 What could have been done another way? The acquirement group ought to have been thorough about the use of Ariba Buyer directly from the earliest starting point at the execution of the product. This cou ld have been finished by intently checking the use of the product by purchasers, yet in addition by ensuring that representatives really realize how to utilize it and what the reason for the product is. This could have been handily accomplished via preparing workforce and supporting the product directly from the earliest starting point as ell. The time taken until strengthening measures (like in 2003 for more tight NDI controls) was excessively long. During this time purchasers were excessively enormously engaged with a lot of opportunity about their dynamic. Additionally the presentation of the tollgates came late simultaneously and ought to have been as of now set up when the new programming was propelled. The individuals in control ought to have likewise been proactive with advancing the acquisition change program directly from the earliest starting point among representatives, by presenting the aims and objectives something like the â€Å"Z-card†directly at the beginning.This would have diminished opposition against the change. Likewise one ought to have thought picked an alternate opportunity to present the â€Å"Future Size and Shape†activity, which at the time was simply one more change and caused extra opposition. The beginning of this activity directly toward the start of the acquisition change program would have been something more. Or on the other hand one ought to have held up until individuals have acclimated to the underlying changes and afterward think of this plan.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Coke and Pepsi Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Coke and Pepsi - Assignment Example As far as rivalry for piece of the pie, Sodastream hasn’t truly compromised the mastery of Coke and Pepsi. Over the most recent 2 years, what Sodastream has just done is to demystify the quality around pop and carbonated soda pops. By selling syrup legitimately to its customers, Sodastream has show the market that there truly is nothing â€Å"fancy†about CSDs and that the capacity to make your own soft drink at home ought to be increasingly appealing, and less expensive, than purchasing readymade pop. Sodastream has consistently marked and promoted itself as the best naturally well disposed alternative to Coke and Pepsi’s CSDs. The impact of this has been that the two goliaths have needed to build their promoting use so as to keep up their positions, keep business as usual as it ought to be. Sodastream’s ongoing Super Bowl promotion figured out how to raise a ruckus Coke and Pepsi as a result of its implication that Coke and Pepsi’s level of natura l cognizance was poor and troublesome. The advertisement figured out how to get all that anyone could need consideration, yet didn't run on CBS, which is a major promoting stage for both Coke and Pepsi. In synopsis, Coke and Pepsi have must be progressively forceful in their publicizing in case Sodastream keep eating into their piece of the pie. In the event that Sodastream can keep developing CSDs would at present command, however rivalry would be a lot stiffer. All elements considered, CSDs are not going anyplace at any point in the near future, paying little mind to the new contestants. The emphasis on developing markets and new items ought to strengthen, to improve the two incomes and benefits from new items, for example, non-carbonated beverages customized to explicit markets. Display 9 uncovers that non-CSD drinks have as much potential as CSDs, it is just that CSDs have been the backbone of the two organizations for quite a while. It is fascinating to take note of that in places like Europe CSDs are not as well known as they are in America and Asia. Such markets can be utilized
Friday, August 21, 2020
Asking Small Talk Follow-Up Questions When You Have SAD
Asking Small Talk Follow-Up Questions When You Have SAD July 17, 2019 Social Anxiety Disorder Overview Symptoms & Diagnosis Causes Treatment Living With In Children Reza Estakhrian/Taxi/Getty Images Follow-up questions are an important part of the conversation. Without follow-up questions, you and your conversation partner will end up asking and responding to a series of questions without ever talking in-depth about any particular topicâ€"which will feel awkward. Follow-up questions keep the conversation moving forward and allow for clarification and elaboration of details. However, if you live with social anxiety disorder, asking follow-up questions or even making small talk in the first place may feel uncomfortableâ€"or downright anxiety-provoking. While you work on your social anxiety with the help of treatment, use the tips below to also brush up on your small talk skills. Having this list of types of questions ready will give you confidence and help to reduce the social anxiety that you feel. Steps to Asking Follow-Up Questions Small talk generally starts with a conversation about topics such as the weather, family, work, hobbies, and other interests. There are two ways to get another person to talk: by asking yes/no or open-ended questions. Yes/No Questions Yes/no questions require only a yes or no answer from your conversation partner. These questions often start with words such as would, should, is, are, did, do, etc. Did you watch the season finale of The Voice last night?Do you go to church on Sundays?Do you like to travel? Open-Ended Questions Obviously, you can see how some of the above yes/no questions would lead to a conversation. However, you can also lead your partner deeper into topics by asking questions that take a bit more explanation. These questions take a different form, beginning with words such as how, why, what, and where. How many siblings do you have?What do you do for fun on the weekend?How do you like being an accountant? Whether you begin small talk by asking yes/no questions or open-ended questions, you will want to ask follow-up questions to further the conversation. 10 Best and Worst Small Talk Topics Follow-Up Questions If your conversation partner responds that he did watch The Voice (or any other show) the night before, follow up with a question to obtain more details: Who is your favorite judge on the show?Who do you think is going to win? It is best to choose a topic that you know a little bit about so that you can follow the other persons response with your own point of view. If the person responds to the open-ended question by saying that he has one sister, some potential follow-up questions might include: Where does she live?What does she do?How often do you see her? When thinking of follow-up questions, the following keywords can be used to build upon: Who?What?How? Why? Where? When? Meaning? And? Once you are in the habit of asking follow-up questions, it will become easier to generate them during a conversation. Remember, though, to always listen carefully to what the other person has to say. Only formulate your question once the person has finished speaking because what he or she says will likely affect what you ask next. One way to do this is by practicing active listening, in which you listen as though you might need to explain what the person is saying to someone else. If something doesnt make sense or you dont understand it, ask for clarification. Practicing Active Listening in Your Daily Conversations Reading Between the Lines Through Follow-up Questions Sometimes during the conversation, the other person will give you little pieces of information that hint at what he or she wants you to ask about next. A person might say something like I have been working as an accountant, but Im not sure for how much longer. In this instance, consider asking follow-up questions that help you to clarify what the other person is thinking: What do you mean by that? or Why do you think that? Use these when you feel the need to understand the other persons point of view or how they are feeling about a particular topic. This is particularly helpful if the person has dropped hints about a deeper meaning than the actual words he or she is saying. More Tips for Follow-Up Questions Show interest and encourage the other person to speak by smiling and nodding during the conversation.Keep up-to-date on news, entertainment, and sporting events, so its easier to ask yes/no and follow-up questions.Interject with statements like Tell me more or Sounds interesting to encourage the other person.Offer sympathy and support, rather than asking for more details, if someone discloses something personal such as a recent death in the family or a divorce. The person may just want to explain his situation so that you know why he is not acting like himself. Leave it up to him to decide how much to share.Dont be quick to jump in if there is silence. Allow the other person time to respond and dont interrupt. How to Socialize More Easily When You Have SAD Genuine Interest When you first start making small talk, you might just be trying to make yourself and the other person comfortable. That is when there is often quick back and forth of yes and no type questions. It is when you start to become genuinely interested in what the other person has to say that the conversation takes a life of its own. Soâ€"focus less on getting the details of asking follow-up questions right, and more on becoming genuinely interested in the other person. A Word From Verywell Use these tips when you find yourself needing to make small talk with a stranger or someone you dont know well. Remember, even though your socially-anxious self may seek perfectionâ€"this shouldnt be your goal. Instead, picture your end goal of making a new friend and see the question-and-answer process as a necessary step in building that friendship.
Sunday, May 24, 2020
Alcoholism in the Shining Essay - 620 Words
Alcoholism in â€Å"The Shining†In â€Å"The Shining†, written by Steven King, the reader is exposed to an issue that a lot of families face in the real world that of which is alcoholism. The story’s main character, Jack Torrance, struggles from this issue due to his troubled past regarding an abusive and alcoholic father as well as his struggle of becoming the very man he loved, yet hated as a child. By exposing the reader to alcoholism, they are instantly aware of the outcomes of it and how it can affect someone. King uses this method to help enhance the story, to allow the contents of the book to become real and relatable to the reader, and most importantly, to allow the reader to actually sympathize with the main characters. Throughout the†¦show more content†¦This causes Jack to be driven off the edge in hatred, which also causes his family to be in danger of abuse yet again. In the end of the novel, Jack’s frail mind caused from his extreme thirst for alcohol and his abusive childhood from his father end up being his inevitable downfall. Jack’s mind becomes completely filled with hatred for his family and the yearning for them to suffer, he becomes blinded with rage. The reader’s begin to root for Wendy and Danny as they escape Jack’s grasp; leaving behind the exploding remains of the Outlook Hotel and a once beloved member of their family. Steven King did an incredible job creating â€Å"The Shining†. Using a real life issue as damaging as alcoholism and allowing the reader to sympathize and even relate with the main characters was truly a remarkable idea. This thriller is, in no doubt, a masterpiece that will stay a treasure for years to come. Word Count: 604 Work Cited King, Stephen. The Shining. New York, NY: Pocket, 2001. Print. Magistrale, Tony. Landscape of Fear : Stephen Kings American Gothic. Popular Press, 2004. Print. Magistrale, Tony. Stephen King : Americas Storyteller. PraegerShow MoreRelatedThe Shining By Stephen King1500 Words  | 6 PagesThe Shining, a novel written by Stephen King followed by a film directed by Stanley Kubrick in 1980 is a horror/thriller narrative filled with many mysteries of its own. Initially, The Shining portrays itself as an average â€Å"The house is haunted but no one believes me†story. However, as the plot progresses we learn that there is much more that goes into the big picture. At its core, the narrative is about isolation, psychological problems, alcoholism, and the suspense of an impending doom. JackRead MoreThe Dark Side of Writing: Edagar Allan Poe and Stephen King Essay1478 Words  | 6 Pageswhen she was only thirteen years old and Poe was twenty seven. Sadly, Poe did not have a long relationship with Virginia. Virginia was only twenty five years old. When Virginia died, Poe was very melancholy about her death that alcoholism was very big with him. The alcoholism could have killed Edgar Allan Poe. â€Å"In a medical study, a Medical practitioner’s evidence has shown that Poe could have suffered from rabies or from ‘acute congestion of the brain’ from alcohol in his system†( EdgarRead MoreChildhood Abuse In The Shining By Stephen King1234 Words  | 5 Pagestake care of a child and do not provide the basic necessities. According to â€Å"those who are abused run the risk for intimate partner violence, alcoholism, and alcohol abuse.†Childhood abuse affects adulthood and the abuse may have a futur e impact on marriage/ relationships and health. Throughout the novel The Shining by Stephen King, the characters Jack and Danny Torrance are used to portray the effects of abuse. Child abuse is very common amongst the worlds population . ThroughoutRead MoreGothic Elements in Stephen King’s: the Shining. Essay803 Words  | 4 PagesGothic Elements in Stephen King’s: The Shining. The classic elements were invented by Horace Walpole in 1764 in his novel The Castle Of Qtranto. These elements have been used in a variety of ways in different aspects books films short stories even today. Stephen King uses these elements in his novel The Shining alternating them to fit his needs. The first classic element is the incorporation of setting in an old castle, with secret rooms scary passages, underground burial vaults. Seeming abandonedRead MoreThe Shining Book Vs Movie Essay1092 Words  | 5 PagesStephen King’s The Shining has maintained its cult status since its release in 1977. The Shining begins with Jack Torrance receiving a position as the winter caretaker for The Overlook Hotel, an isolated hotel in the Colorado Rockies. Jack hopes the stay will be therapeutic and allow him to focus on writing, family, and less on alcohol. As time progresses, unsettling events begin to transpire for Jack, his son Danny, and his wife Wendy. The intensity of the gothic novel came to life by the legendaryRead MoreBook Analysis: The Shining by Stephen King Essay613 Words  | 3 PagesAP Book Report 1. The Shining 2. Author and Date Written: Stephen King, 1977 3. Country: United States 4. Characters: Jack Torrance (Major)-A writer and former teacher who suffers from alcohol abuse and becomes the caretaker of the Overlook Hotel for the winter. Determined to make amends, he quits drinking and tries to finish his novel while working at the hotel. However, Jack slowly falls under the hotel’s influence and is constantly plagued by past mistakes and loses control. Danny TorranceRead MoreThe Shining By Stephen King1486 Words  | 6 Pagesâ€Å"The Shining†is a novel written by Stephen King in 1977 and a horror movie directed by Stanley Kubrick in 1980. The novel and movie tells a story about Jack Torrance, who becomes the off-season winter caretaker of the Overlook Hotel. Although the movie and the book have some similarities; there are many differences from the adaptation of the novel. After watching the movie and reading the book, my preference is the novel since it goes into details about describing the characters and the portrayalRead MoreKings Gothic Naturalism1677 Words  | 7 Pagesin a different and less monotonous way. â€Å"[O]ne of the signature traits of Naturalism seems to be the ease with which it combines in hybrids with other forms†(Crow 123). Master of Horror Stephen King illustrates this concept in his novel, The Shining (1977), by intertwining the deterministic elements of Naturalism with Gothic and Horror. Combining these genres may seem to be a marriage of complete opposites, but what lies dormant on its own thrives in the pairing. Unlike most naturalist writersRead MoreRonald Wilson Reagan And The War Of The Cold War1630 Words  | 7 Pageshis father’s alcoholism (Wilentz 12). Ultimately, the Reagan family would end up back in the home that Regan was born to: A small upstairs apartment above a department store. With Reagan’s father lacking any real guidance, he had little to look up towards. His father’s alcoholism became a defining part of Reagan’s childhood. Reagan even recalled a point in his childhood where he dragged his unconscious father from outside in the snow back into the house (Cannon 56). Reagan’s shining light in hisRead MoreSam Shepard Challenges the Validity of the American Dream in His Book, Buried Child685 Words  | 3 PagesIn the days when the Puritans first settled in the New World, the American Dream motivated the displacement of the original owners of the land for European settlers and a feeling of entitlement to the land from â€Å"sea to shining sea.†In his work, Buried Child, Sam Shepard challenges the validity of the American Dream, both in its original form of entitlement to the land and its resources, and in its modern form as the search for prosperity and family. Perhaps, Shepard asserts, the American Dream stands
Thursday, May 14, 2020
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Organizational Structure Of The Organization - 1163 Words
Over the years, most organizations have been urged to consider changing their organizational structure so as to promote employee flexibility as well as empower them with the discretion of making decisions. As a result, organizations across the world have resorted to de-layering or flattening their organizational structures with the hopes of achieving employee flexibility and improving the operations of the organization as well. De-layering or flattening, in this case, refers to the elimination of certain layers in an organization’s hierarchy and the broadening of the span of control of managers. Research has indicated that pushing down the process of decision making to the lower organization levels not only makes employees responsible for their actions but also promotes accountability (Hirsch De Soucey, 2006). It should, however,be noted that these changes in organizational structure have also left organizations in the midst of chaos. In fact, as organizations delayer their s tructure and downsize their labor force, employees, as well as managers, find themselves in working environments that have redefined their work as well as the corporate culture. It has been argued that the primary objective of flattening organizational hierarchies which also includes the downsizing of the organization’s workforce is to encourage workers in the lower positions to participate in the decision-makingprocess of the organization. However, research has shown that in some cases, theShow MoreRelatedOrganizational Structure Of An Organization1585 Words  | 7 Pagesimportant things to run a business smoothly is an appropriate organizational structure in order to manage workers effectively, have maximum productivity and achieve the objectives set by the company. The structure of an organization including the method that an organization employs to delineate lines of communication, policies, authority and responsibilities. It determines the extent and nature of how leadership is disseminated within the organization. It is the method to ensure effective channels of communicationRead MoreOrganizational Structure Of Organization Structure1557 Words  | 7 Pagescourse we discussed bureaucracy. We said this form of organization was the starting point for understanding all modern organizations. Based on the text and other class readings develop an essay that begins with a brief definition of bureaucracy and the reason why this form of organization remains the cornerstone of organization structure. Then, give three reasons why the principles of bureaucracy may sometimes be dysfunctional for an organization. Conclude your essay with a discussion of three principlesRead MoreOrganizational Structure Of An Organization1130 Words  | 5 Pagescompany to be productive and advance in the business environment. Organizational structure determines how roles, power, and responsibilities are assigned, controlled, coordinated and how information flows between the different levels of management. In an organizational workforce environment, there are several levels of management, such as managers, supervisors, team leads and coordinators. Their responsibilities are to know why organizational changes are nece ssary and they must effectively communicateRead MoreOrganizational Structure Of An Organization Essay1629 Words  | 7 Pages1.2 At least two different organizational structures are identified, described, and compared in terms of their design principles. Ans: - 1. Organisational Structure – It is a structure which is used to elaborate ranking in an organisation. It is also define as an organizational structure which defines how activities such as task portion, division and guidance are directed towards the achievement of organizational purposes. 2. There are different types of organisationalRead MoreOrganizational Structure Of An Organization1085 Words  | 5 PagesAn organizational structure is a composition that specifies a company s hierarchical structure. There are various kinds of conformations that organizations can choose to build their business around. The organizational structure exemplifies the way in which control and business affairs have been appointed within the organization. Organizational structure encompasses the design of an organization though people positioning and responsibilities in order for organizational goals can be reached. SomeRead MoreOrganizational Structure And The Organization789 Words  | 4 PagesOrganizations are founded on the basis that they want to accomplish a goal. Organizations differ from one another in various ways, and that is stated in their mission and vision statement as well as their goals. Every organization has a set pattern that helps to establish the structure on wh ich it will accomplish the goal of the business. According to Prodanciuc, organizational structure is the fundamental concept that helps the organization be organized and administrated. The organizing takes placeRead MoreOrganizational Structure Of An Organization1361 Words  | 6 Pages1. Introduction An organization is defined as a group of people who work together in an organized way for shared purpose. When people come together, they can either compliment one another or potentially create conflicts and disagreements in the course of pursuing common objectives with their differentiated experiences, perceptions and knowledge. Managing an organization involves putting a structure to the business so that managers can manage, supervise and coordinate its people and organization’sRead MoreOrganizational Structure Of An Organization1718 Words  | 7 Pagesintroduction This report is going to concentrate on the structure of an organization because, like Jay Lorsch said: organization structure is management’s formal and explicit attempts to indicate to organizational members what is expected of them. In his words, ‘this was management’s attempt to draw a map of whom they want to do what’ (Lorsch, 1977, p. 3) .So a mature and scientific organizational structure is an essential factor that a successful organization requires. I got an internship in a law officeRead MoreOrganizational Structure Of The Organization3890 Words  | 16 Pagesto set up the structure and policies to suit the changes of the market. One of the essential and most important factors to achieve that is the organizational structure. Organizational structure theory is especially useful for people who manage organizations, or who aspire to do so in the future. It enables the manager to see that his or her organization and its problems are rarely wholly unique. Usually, much of value can be learned from examining the behavior of other organizations in broadly similarRead MoreThe Organizational Structure Of The Organization3854 Words  | 16 Pageswill look at Company B. We will begin with an overview of the organization, what category of industry it falls under, and some of the products the organization offers. Next, we will explore the current status in the organization, that is, the current state of affairs in the organization w ith regard to products as well as the internal organizational structure, the factors that contribute to the structure, the effectiveness of the structure. Then we will investigate the steps the company has taken to
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
MC Donald Restaurant
Question: Write an analysis of the case study: McDonald's Restaurants built on motivation ? Answer: The current case on McDonald restaurants presents an excellent understanding of the motivation processes for staff groups in general as well as the specific company in discussion. It explicitly develops wider variety of different schemes designed towards motivating group of staff in vary contexts. These motivation schemes in turn are successful in motivating the employees in a way that they develop a personalized interest for their units success through teamwork and collaboration, as the restaurants of the company operate in separated profit units. Mainly two specific bonus schemes the company has developed to implement the motivation among its staff, such as monthly bonus for employees and quarterly bonus for managers of top 10 percent chosen restaurants. This selection of staff for incentives (bonus) comes from a specific procedure based on growth of sales, score from mystery shopper and profitability. These indicators seem quite logical as they cover not only the companys prospect ive but also customers aspects. This motivation scheme has in turn helped putting the concept of team work for the whole staff when the benefits and rewards are considered as referred by Neal, the manager for compensation in charge. This also presents a challenge before the staff to prove them before the mystery customer which makes it fully customer centric. The portfolio pf motivation scheme of this company remained similar across its operations including UK. Similar such program in UK and Barcelona were arranged by a common meeting of awardees and their discussion with peers after return to work really developed an impact of this motivation scheme inside the company (employees). Given this scheme of motivation has acquired universal acceptance, these programs is being linked with Olympic and para Olympic Games and awardees are given chance in these games facilities to enjoy and take part in hospitality. Even some awardees are given paid trip to big cities for travel and enjoyment. While this scheme has got better acceptance by staff, at the same time critics provide a lot of caution in implementing this without of course doubting on its good effect. Neal provide a series of recipes for motivation components such as recognizing right behavior of employees, frequency of awards, understanding values and need of employees in awarding as important in designing motivation schemes. While in this case study selection of staff for incentives (bonus) are discussed to come from specific procedures taking important aspects like growth of sales, score from mystery shopper and profitability. These indicators seem quite logical as they cover not only the companys prospective but also customers aspects. Only thing that can be recommended for addition is some way the need and expectation from employees may be scanned and incorporated into the motivation schemes. In addition however Neals recipes for components for incorporating into motivation schemes in terms of recognizing right behavior of employees, understanding their values and frequency of awards should be taken into consideration as a guide in awarding as important in designing motivation schemes. References: De Cooman, R., Stynen, D., Van den Broeck, A., Sels, L. and De Witte, H. (2013), How job characteristics relate to need satisfaction and autonomous motivation: implications for work effort. Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 43:13421352. Wang, Zheni and Gagn, Marylne (2012). ChineseCanadian Cross-Cultural Investigation of Transformational Leadership, Autonomous Motivation, and Collectivistic Value, Journal of Leadership Organizational Studies Nov. Lovewell, D. (2013). McDonald's restaurants built on motivation. Employee Benefits, 11. Huang, Yueng-Hsiang ; Verma, Santosh K.; Chang, Wen-Ruey; Courtney, Theodore K.; Lombardi, David A.; Brennan, Melanye J. and Perry, Melissa J. (2012). Supervisor vs. employee safety perceptions and association with future injury in US limited-service restaurant workers, Accident Analysis Prevention, 47 (July): 4551
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